Our Masonic Lodge

“Love one another, teach one another, help one another. That is our doctrine, all our science, all our law” -
A reflection on the Apprentice degree.

Who we are

The R∴ Humanist Lodge is a symbolic masonic lodge of the George Washington Union of Freemasons of North America. As an initiatory order, we aim to provide quality and intentionality during our ceremonies while fostering good relationships built within the lodge. 

The lodge is open to all individuals regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, and spiritual and secular beliefs, and we abide by the principles of mutual tolerance, respect, and absolute freedom of conscience. The lodge is committed to the George Washington Union values of harmony, unity, and diversity, which we aim to uphold in our efforts and relationships with others.

Our work is guided by the principles of liberal and continental freemasonry, with a particular emphasis on the absolute freedom of conscience. The three symbolic degrees of freemasonry - Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason - are the framework for the journey of self-discovery and growth the members embark upon. The French Rite, the basis of our ceremonies, emphasizes reason and intellectual pursuit, encouraging members to seek knowledge and truth in all aspects of life.

The French Rite's approach to freemasonry accentuates the importance of individual conscience and personal freedom, values deeply rooted in the history of the Enlightenment era. At Humanist Lodge, we strive to embody these values in all we do, recognizing that they are essential for creating a harmonious and just society.

Beyond our work within the lodge, Humanist Lodge seeks to create strong connections with fellow human beings within and beyond our community. We value diversity and recognize the unique contributions that each individual can make to their society.

Title: Assemblée de francs-maçons pour la réception des apprentifs [Source: gallica.bnf.fr / Bibliothèque nationale de France]