Our Ritual

Source: An Apprentice tracing board; Musée de la Franc-maçonnerie

Freemasonry has a rich history with rituals and ceremonies, and it is the universal tradition of the Royal Art. There are a variety of rituals, often grouped into 'Rites.' In the George Washington Union, there are currently two rites; the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and the French Rite. The R∴ Humanist Lodge chose to work in the French Rite. 

The French Rite is a masonic ritual system that originated in the mid-18th century in France during an age of intellectual revolution. During this period of Enlightenment, the rite was known only as the ritual, and it eventually received its name French Rite, Rit Français. The ritual system is composed of several degrees, and our lodge focuses on what is known as the symbolic, or craft, degrees. They are the Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master. These degrees are the basis of Freemasonry and are what makes up a traditional symbolic (blue) lodge. 

The other degrees are conferred in a Chapter, and for the French Rite, there are five additional degrees known as Orders of Wisdom. In other systems of Freemasonry, the degrees beyond the symbolic are referred to as high degrees. Still, in the French Rite, our Orders of Wisdom are considered an expansion on the master mason degree. They are never above but parallel to our craft degrees. 

The first order is the Secret Elect; the second order is (Grand) Scottish Elect; the third order is Knight Mason of the Orient; the fourth order is the Sovereign Prince of the Rosicrucian, also known as the Perfect Freemason of Heredom of Kilwinning, Grand Commander of the Temple. The fifth order is reserved for the administrators and conservators of the rite. Only some people reach the fifth order. 

© Leemage/Asia / Josse | Source: https://www.lepoint.fr/